NBO, Fix This Estate Cleanout

My clients were putting their mother’s 6 bedroom 3 story dream home on the market because she would be moving into the city.  The challenge is that the dream house is 2 hours outside of the city away from any family members.

The NBO D.R.E.A.M Process

DREAM: Clear out their house before close of escrow and be able to donate &/or sell items the family no longer wanted.

REALIGN:  The initial walkthrough identified items in the house that the family wanted to keep and relocated into the city, items to be donated, items to potentially sell, and items not in donate condition to be discarded.

ELIMINATE:  A storage unit was acquired to store family items to keep and potentially sell after the COVID-19 pandemic was behind us.  Room by room every items was processed.  Every week we scheduled donations to be picked up and trash to be removed until completed.

ASSIGN:  A moving company was hired to professionally pack-up and move family heirlooms & keepsakes.

MATCH:  The storage unit was packed to encourage shopping the storage unit for personal use and preparation for an estate sale.


Tiana Vallan