NBO, Fix These Spaces

My client is a wife and mom of an active family with two teenagers.  She craves order but her family is...indifferent about maintaining it in its current form.

This pantry, garage, and my husband’s closet is driving me crazy and number one I don’t know where to begin and number 2 I am slammed at work.

No problem.  You have the space but you are going to need some products in order to make it easy for everyone in the household to maintain.

The NBO D.R.E.A.M Process


The Queen of the House wants order...PERIOD!  She wants a sexy garage with plenty of storage and no junk and a pantry that angels sing when the door opens.  She also wants to give the King of the House a closet he can easily maintain.


We decided what needed to be stored in the pantry/house vs the garage.


We removed all obvious items in the garage that just took up space that could have been discard, recycled, &/or donated immediately then moved all items from King’s closets and the pantry & kichen to the garage that now has space.


We purchased on over the door organizers for the King’s shoes & necessities to maximize his small closet spaces.  We also categorized every item in the pantry to match how the family viewed them and assigned locations.


We chose white bins for the pantry and black sexy shelving units & black bins for the garage.


This project took (5) 4-hour Sessions

Runnels Closet - Husband.jpg
Runnel's Garage with New Fridge & Mounted Ladder.jpeg
Tiana Vallan